Why Cybersecurity?

1. I am obsessed with electronic medical records.

2. The biggest risks to electronic medical record systems are cybersecurity threats. The reason the barrier to entry is so high / regularization is so intense / system is so full of friction / technology is so antiquated is because this is the most intimately private data that exists about a person. Preventing exposure of those records is more important than convenience, which has resulted in a terrible system very slow to adopt technology. If the cybersecurity threat could be managed, this becomes a ripe opportunity.

3. I am working with some friends on a blockchain concept that would mediate electronic medical record access. Cybersecurity is the most important consideration.

4. My background is Statistics, UX Design, Data Visualization, and IEOR. I do not understand cybersecurity beyond what I’ve read in the news. I need to learn enough to know where to focus next.

5. My data was exposed by Equifax.

6. There are intel chips in my computers and phones.

7. The NSA put a backdoor in the Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm, not only enabling unconstitutional spying, but weakening a cryptographic standard with a backdoor that any malicious actor could use.